Staminus Communications Inc., a California-based Internet hosting provider that specializes in protecting customers from massive “distributed denial of service” (DDoS) attacks aimed at knocking sites offline, has itself apparently been massively hacked. Staminus’s entire network was down for more than 20 hours until Thursday evening, leaving customers to vent their rage on the company’s Facebook and Twitter pages. In the midst of the outage, someone posted online download links for what appear to be Staminus’s customer credentials, support tickets, credit card numbers and other sensitive data. – Click here for full article
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David Duncan
Cyber Security BU VP, CA Technologies – Former FIPS certification and review member and NSA Cryptologist
Enigma is really an investment in peace of mind.
Jim Cantrell
President and CEO, Strategic Space Development
The best part is I don’t have to spend a half a day of production worrying about how to encrypt my work-it’s a simple click.
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Larry Ponemon, namesake of the Ponemon Research Institute, told CNN Money. “If you’re are not a data breach victim, you’re not paying attention.”
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BlackSquare Technologies’ Enigma is an innovative and cutting edge solution ready to accept the challenge of securing data files. Now I have one!
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BlackSquare rocks!
Michael Locatis, CEO, Nexusist